Mystic Firestorm 2 Page 3
“A new location. It appears that the mercenaries have discovered our whereabouts.”
Quaid shoved Noleann before him as the latched into an opening and pulled a large panel. It revealed a large wooden structure seven feet long, which appeared to be attached by a rope. It was tilted in a diagonal angle as Gabreal stride her body downward. Noleann gasped, “What are you doing?”
“No time now we must get out of here!”
“Quickly girl get on, they will be here any moment!”
A large pounding was heard, and the wall exploded with a great force of light.
“Seize them!” a wicked, hard voice boomed through the room.
Noleann slid behind Quaid as he grabbed a small ax. She arched over his back as he cut the rope and a light flashed toward them.
“Hurry!” Noleann looked in horror to see a fireball. She looked forward as the entire structure detached itself and fell into an ice tunnel.
Noleann screamed in horror as her entire body was jolted during a few second of free fall.
“Hold on!” Quaid demanded as Gabreal grasped the handles of the strange wooden instrument that took them down. Suddenly the entire cavern lit up as they increased speed and Noleann could hear screams and echoes coming from above. The snow sled jolted to the right as the three felt the force throw them against the ice wall.
“I hate this!” Noleann screamed as they whipped around a left turn and dropped down a steep platform. Tears burned in her eyes as a blast exploded directly behind them.
“How did they find us?” Gabreal yelled back at Quaid.
“I don't know, but they've found us and they're here in these tunnels!”
“What are you talking about?” Noleann’s eyes widened as she screamed with the next drop.
The sled flew along the ice tunnels that had been made by dripping water that froze with the cold temperatures of the Northlands. They went down winding tunnels and came to a wide cavern as Noleann lifted her head up to take a look at the new horrors before her. A huge ice bridge was before them as the sled roared and crunched the ice beneath it. They hit a bump on the smooth surface that lunged the wooden sled into the air and jolted its riders. Noleann felt herself loose balance as they neared the slope and Quaid yelled for her to hold on tightly. The sled flew over a large ridge and slammed onto a bridge. A loud crash erupted as they riders gasped in horror; the bridge began breaking apart. Huge slabs of ice sank as the middle of the bridge shattered apart. The sled hit a hole and its riders were thrown. Gabreal hit the ice and slid forward while Noleann and Quaid rolled to the side. Noleann rose instantly to help the other girl to her feet.
“Look out!” Quaid rushed to grab them as the entire bridge sank in throwing the company down. Noleann had the wind knocked out of her and rolled to the side. Huge blocks of ice separated under the span of the bridge. Gabreal watched her slide in horror as Quaid rushed down and grasped her.
“Gabreal, the grappling hook!”
Gabreal went beneath her cloak and took out a small metal hook and jammed it into the ice. She untied the thin rope and let it drape down to the others. Quaid wrapped the rope around his wrist and dug his boots slowly into the ice. He inched up and Noleann moved slowly, she felt herself slide and held her breath for a moment as Quaid yanked her up. Gabreal held the rope and coached them as they went along.
“Almost there!” Quaid strained as he felt his grip around the girl loosen. Gabreal pulled the rope with all of her might and pushed herself back along the stalagmite and forced herself around it. Quaid helped Noleann to get her posture back as she pulled. The Bounty Huntress looked below to see a crystal river flowing smoothly beneath ice eaves, large stalactites hung downward in the dim light. Blue snow crystals lit up the cavern and a small breeze hit the company. Quaid felt a strong tug on the rope as he lost his footing.
“Easy Gabreal.”
There was not reply.
“Gabreal! What are you doing?”
“My friend, she's doing nothing,” a stern voice boomed down to them as a huge shadow stood above them.
“Javern!” Quaid spat as he held onto Noleann.
“Yes, I have found you. It appears that once again our paths cross. You must return with me and be tried for treason!”
“Return to Iclandia? You are insane,” Quaid said boldly as he positioned himself.
“You're in no position to bargain with the High Lords. Your wife and child shall be executed if you do not return. Of course, I have orders to actually kill you, but we are old friends.”
“You sold me out, Javern. You are using my family against me! I vow that one day I will destroy you.”
The shadowy man grew angry and snapped his fingers. Suddenly Noleann and Quaid felt themselves being pulled up. Quaid felt a feeling of horror come about him as he realized that he would be in the Kingdom’s clutches once again. Noleann tugged his arm and whispered quietly.
“What are we going to do?”
“They will kill me. I must not be captured. You, you must promise me that you will find my child and wife and protect them.”
“I cannot do that,” Noleann gasped as she realized his implication. Quaid looked wildly down at the sloping cliff face. He noticed a dark hole with huge stalagmites ousting at the mouth.
“We have little time left. They will not kill them if I am dead.”
“What?” she responded as arms grabbed them and pulled at them. Noleann looked at the group of men that stood firmly in front of her. Javern was covered with a large cloak and woolen gear. A dark scarf covered his nose and jawbone while bright blue eyes sparkled at her.
Javern spoke softly, “I am sorry that it must be this way, but there are many things at stake which you do not understand.”
“What I understand is that you are a traitor to the cause.”
“You will become a murderer like the rest of them.”
“Silence!” Javern's arm lashed out striking Quaid in the face. Quaid did not move as his nose began to bleed. Javern was silent for the moment as Gabreal watched them. The guards went to pull Noleann away and she walked silently. One guard reached out for Javern and grabbed his wrist. The Mountaineer shoved the man down with a right cross to the face. Quaid grabbed Javern and lunged forward throwing himself before the leader.
“If they die, I will destroy you.”
“No!” Javern burned with anger as a burst of red fire lashed at Quaid. The man held his grip and screamed with agony. Quaid released his grip as his hands burned with pain. Javern lashed out with another bolt that blasted into Quaid. The Mountaineer fell back and slid off the ice ridge. Gabreal broke loose and ran with a horrifying scream as Javern watched in horror.
Quaid's body slid down the cliff face and disappeared into the darkness. Gabreal fell to her knees in shock as her body sobbed with sadness. Noleann looked at Javern and then stared down in disbelief.
Quaid was gone.
Dayven, Bellower and Brea had found themselves lost in the strange underground world. They trudged down countless catacombs while following the strange beacon of light that Dayven had summoned. The elven boy was extremely tired of tracking through the endless maze of caverns. He did not like the overwhelming presence of death, which he recognized through his growing powers. He kept calm as he followed Brea and Bellower.
The Gnome had been shocked to observe such a force of magic, as the boy possessed. Bellower had only witnessed such feats of magic from his own tribal enchanters. Even they didn't have the power that the elven boy wielded. Dayven succeeded in destroying the Shadow Demons with a small beacon of light. The Gnome tracker wondered about the actual limitations of his ability.
The small trio stopped after a few exhausting hours of travel. The damp air smelled of rotting mold, which grew on the huge boulders and rocks of the subterranean world.
“We've been roaming these blasted tunnels for at least two days,” Bellower said.
“At least we escaped those things,” Dayven ad
ded with encouragement.
“The treasure is here. I know it is.” The Gnome leader stopped walking as he viewed the caverns around him. “I can sense it. It draws you to it.”
“Is that all you can think about?” Brea said quietly while watching the shadows.
“Wildergirl, you and your friend can go your own way. I am going to look for that treasure. It belongs to me. I am not leaving this place until I have it.”
“Wonderful,” the elf stated as he turned away. “You know after all we have been through, I figured that would be the last thing you would say.”
“I owe you nothing.” The Gnome blasted, grabbing the boy's shoulder, turning him around. “Do you understand me? Nothing! It was you that got us into this mess. It was your friend that dragged me into searching for you.”
“Dragged,” Brea said explosively. “You are a real piece of work! We saved you back there. The others are all dead. Listen to me Bellower. We have to stick together. It's our only chance of survival. You don't know whether Slanter or Sly are still after us. You don't know if there are others that want that stupid treasure. How do you know it even exists?”
“I don't need anyone. You can follow me if you like. It is wise to stick together, but after we find our way out of this place. It is goodbye.”
There was a minute of silence and then the Gnome turned with his eyes gleaming strangely in the dim cavern light.
“Listen,” the Gnome said.
“I don't hear anything,” Brea replied.
“It could be the others,” Dayven said listening.
“I can sense it,” the Gnome whispered.
Brea turned and her eyes gleamed at the small light at the end of the tunnel. She felt a strange sensation that flushed her emotions. The Wildergirl experienced a feeling of warmth and safety. She took a step forward and examined the strange golden light down at the end of the tunnel. Bellower perceived the same light and the elven boy felt it as well.
“There is something down there.” Dayven moved and the beacon of light floated softly in front of him.
“It has to be.” Bellower rejoiced. The Gnome's faith was restored in an instant. He knew what awaited him at the end of the cavern. He started to walk toward the light. Brea was now lost in the strange calling that drew her toward the cavern light. Dayven felt the feeling of warmth increase and the beacon of light faded. Moments later, the three found themselves at the entrance of a large stone vault. Golden light flickered along the smooth stone walls. It was apparent that something wonderful was about to be discovered. Dayven sensed a feeling of peace for the first time in weeks.
Bellower stepped into the frame way of the newly discovered room. “Unbelievable.” Before him, in a golden hue shimmered in a vast room that was lit by burning torches. The entire room was covered with gold, jewels and precious stones that sparkled brightly. Brea and Dayven followed behind as they entered the stone sepulcher.
Brea's eyes were drawn to the thousands of diamonds that lie in small neat piles. She could see pendants and rings, hairpieces, and other assorted valuables.
“We have found it,” Bellower screamed with delectation.
Dayven looked at the swords and crowns of gold with his mouth open.
“There must be a hundred generations of treasures here.”
The Rockdwellers have kept it hidden from the eyes of humankind. This is a sight that we may never see again,” Brea said.
“Yes,” Bellower replied as he stepped back from the gold. Brea went to bend over and touch one of the gems and the Gnome rushed at her.
“Don't touch it!”
“What?” The Wildergirl asked with some confusion.
“This treasure does not belong to us.”
“Doesn't belong to us?” she repeated in disgust.
“Yes,” he answered as Dayven looked around.
“You're a fine one to talk. Just a little while ago you were telling us that it belonged to you.”
“It does.”
“I don't understand.” Dayven finally managed as he took his eyes off the gold.
“This gold belongs to my ancestors. We are a part of the Rockdwellers. It is a part of our heritage, a part of our culture, a part of our being. This represents the beauty of our people. It must never be disturbed.” The Gnome turned and left the vault room.
“Bellower, you mean to tell me that you are not going to take any of this for yourself?”
“Correct, Wildergirl.”
Shadows lunged at Bellower and Brea as Dayven rushed to their aid. He was struck in the head by a Gnome and fell to the ground. Stout bodies marched up to the archway as Slanter stepped forward. The Gnome chieftain had a twisted look of agony and torment in his face. Bellower could see scratches on his body. The Gnome's eyes were glazed, and he did not say anything to them. He stepped in the doorway and examined the treasure.
“You have found it,” Slanter said with a twisted look.
“Yes,” Bellower answered while the others restrained him from moving.
“You survived those things back there,” he said with a strained voice. The Gnome coughed and the feeling of warmth came to his body. “It is too bad that those things did not destroy you. They will have a second chance when we bring you back to them.”
“You have the gold Slanter. Let the other two go,” Bellower pleaded.
“You must think I am a fool,” his voice strained as he took a hard-deep breath.
“Slanter look at the gold. It is yours for the taking.”
The Gnome chieftain looked at the treasure and laughed with a twisted shriek. “Mine!” his voice echoed along the corridor. The gold began to draw the other men to the room. The others pushed the trio into the room with their daggers. Slanter examined the jewels and gems as the others started packing large bags of gold coins. “I want all of it!” he screamed orders at the men. “As for the others, take them outside and slit their throats.”
The Gnome guards pushed Bellower forward and he struggled to free himself. Brea felt a cold horror as the feeling of warmth disappeared. She saw the room and the treasure in a different light. There no longer existed a feeling of peace, it was replaced by a stench of greed, lust and death. The others felt the entire room change as they were dragged out and guards drew their daggers.
Inside the room the Gnomes collected the treasure placing everything insides sacks. Jewels and diamonds were gathered in small leather pouches. The men collected the treasure quickly while singing and laughing. They placed the crowns of former Kings on their heads and put pearls around their necks. Golden coins and bars were stuffed into their pockets. Something strange began to occur. The men felt the need to take more. There was much more to be secured, more than they ever imagined.
Slanter walked up to one of his men and cut his throat. The treasure spilled onto the floor, along with it, a crimson red blood stained the silver cups. Other men stabbed others with great ecstasy as more blood flowed over the treasure. Fighting broke out and screams of terror echoed along the cavern walls. Bodies fell to the ground as they continued to kill to appease their inner greed.
Bellower, Brea and Dayven were blindfolded and sitting on the floor as the guards advanced toward them. Brea kicked and struggled as the Gnomes raised their daggers. Screams of death echoed in the caverns that danced in delight of its helpless victims from an unknown source of evil. More bodies fell to the ground as the sounds from the vault reached a frenzy. The blindfolds were torn off as the prisoners and they were shoved back by three towering Rockdwellers. Bellower gasped in fear as he gazed upon the broken bodies of the guards that nearly snatched their lives. Dayven studied the gentle giants and received a strange sensation from one of them. The large black cloaks covered their faces in a shroud of blackness. The creatures did not speak but pointed to the corridor. Suddenly the Rockdwellers lunged at the trio and pulled them off the ground and cut their bonds.
“What do you want?” Bellower asked. The Rockdwellers did not answer him but pointed to
the entrance of the vault. The Gnome tracker could feel death all around him. He knew that the men were killing each other in the treasure room. The tracker had not felt such a sense of evil since the Shadow Demons. “We don't want your treasure,” the tracker stated as the three monstrous frames pushed them toward the entranceway. Bellower turned to make a fight and Dayven stopped him.
“Wait, they don't want to harm us. Do not strike them.”
“What do they want?” Brea asked.
“I don't know.” Bellower shook.
The creatures pushed them toward the front of the vault room as the remaining Gnomes ran greedily around collecting as much treasure as possible. Slanter held up a silver cup and looked at the entrance to see the other three staring at him. Behind them were the towering bodies of the cloaked giants.
“Silence!” Slanter screamed as the others stopped their tasks. “Take a look my companions. Our captives have brought three large reinforcements. You think you can stop me?” the crazed chieftain yelled, “it's mine. We will fight to the death.” He drew a sword and the others also unsheathed their weapons.
“You never learn. I do not want this treasure. It is evil, it corrupts. Just look at yourselves,” Bellower pleaded and then was shoved aside as one of the great creatures pointed at the group of Gnomes. His entire arm was covered by his black cloak and his fingers were covered with dark gloves. The Rockdweller pointed at the door.
“Speak you fool!” Slanter spat. “You cannot stop us. We will easily cut you down. Speak or you can die right where you stand.”
The Rockdweller did not reply but repeated its gesture with tears in its eyes. Somehow, Bellower knew what it was offering, it was offering a last chance for life. The others stood their ground as the Rockdwellers became perfectly still behind their opaque cloaks.
“You sent stupid, dumb, mutes to fight your battles.” Slanter cursed as the other men laughed with pleasure. “Look men, look at the tongue less freaks of nature that stand before us.”
“You don't understand Slanter. They offer you, life or death.” Bellower explained knowing that Slanter and the others were sealing their own fate at this moment.